
The Holidays are coming! 7 tips to navigate your holidays & health goals

gingerbread cardboard decor on white surface

With the holidays fast approaching, it can feel like the end of your health goals for the year. Oh well, pick up where you left off next year- maybe even make it a New Year’s Resolution! Or could there be a way to enjoy the holidays and not give up on your health goals? Am I talking about finding a balance between comfort food and staying fit? YES! Yes, I am. 

A healthy lifestyle shouldn’t mean you have to give up everything you love or miss out on certain events because it just doesn’t align with losing weight, building muscle, feeling good, and not being bloated the next day. That’s where the ten tips for navigating the holidays and your health goals come in!

TIP #1: Set realistic goals

Holidays are busy, stressful, and even time-consuming. So, setting goals like not eating any sugar or getting to the gym daily may be challenging. Setting goals that don’t take much time or effort, like drinking “X” oz of water “X” days this week or reducing portion sizes, can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and defeated.

TIP #2: Eat before you go 

Eating or snacking on something you feel good about before you go to that family dinner or Christmas party can help you avoid overeating when you get there. It can even remove some temptations feeling hungry can make difficult to resist.

TIP #3: Use a smaller plate 

You can still eat that awesome food that your mom made or that buffet table has set out; focus on moderation. Eating from a smaller plate, like a salad plate, can help you control portions while also (little psychology tip) tricking your brain into thinking you’re eating more than you are!

TIP #4: Watch your drinks (they have sneaky calories)

If you’re focusing on weight loss this holiday season, maintaining weight, or even focusing on overall fitness, sneaky calories can be detrimental. Holiday nog can be loaded with sugar and calories (alcohol, too). So set a drink limit before you go and choose something you can feel good about for the rest of the time, like water!

TIP #5: Stress relief

Yep, we all know how stressful the holidays are. Between budgeting, cleaning, and cooking, it can leave you feeling drained and stressed out. Taking time for yourself and adding a simple stress-relief moment into your day can be helpful. It could be 5 minutes of meditation, a walk around the block with your dog or company, or it could also be as simple as some breathing exercises.

TIP #6: Bring a dish you can feel good about

Having something you can control during the holidays can help your health goals. Do you have a Christmas party to go to or Thanksgiving Dinner? Offer to bring a healthy dish along. That way, you have at least one thing you can put on your plate that you can feel good about. 

TIP #7: Pre-log everything

Logging can be your best friend when working on health goals. It keeps you accountable and informed. Which are two things that can be beneficial during the holidays. Not sure what the buffet or party will be serving? That’s okay; when you get there, walk around and look at what’s being served. Then decide what you might like to have, and log it in your favorite meal-logging app. This will help you decide how much you can have, what is within your budget, and what’s not. This tip can be especially helpful if you have specific macro goals you’re aiming for. Also, don’t forget to log your drinks (remember, sneaky calories)! 

The holidays should be as fun as possible. They already come with so much stress as is; your health goals shouldn’t be adding to them. With these tips, you can navigate your holidays and health goals mindfully and hopefully stress-free! Happy Holidays! 

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